Kendrick Lamar – Vocabulary Practice

Kendrick Lamar

Here you can practice the vocabulary found in the reading lesson about Kendrick Lamar.

In the first exercise, you must guess the meaning of the bold word from the context of the example sentence. In the second exercise, you must choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. Good luck!

Vocabulary in Context:

1. Henry was the only witness to the accident. Nobody else saw what happened.

2. Her speech about overcoming difficulties inspired the audience to follow their dreams.

3. The company plans to launch a new smartphone next month. It will be available in stores soon.

4. He is an ambitious student who studies every night because he wants to be a doctor.

5. My grandmother was a great storyteller who loved to entertain us with exciting tales.

6. The rivalry between the two basketball teams has lasted for many years. They always try to beat each other.

7. Climbing that tall mountain was a huge challenge, but she trained hard and reached the top.

8. The firefighter’s daring rescue of the child from the burning building was praised by everyone.

9. He made a quick jab at his friend’s arm to get his attention.

10. She took his comment as an insult because it was rude and hurt her feelings.

Word Forms:

1. I ______ a very unusual event last night.

a) witness
b) witnessing
c) witnessed

2. Her speech was so ______ that it made everyone want to follow their dreams.

a) inspiration
b) inspiring
c) inspire

3. China has ______ several rockets into outer space.

a) launch
b) launched
c) launching

4. His ______ to become a doctor motivated him to study every night.

a) ambitious
b) ambition
c) ambitiously

5. The two athletes have been ______ for years, always trying to beat each other.

a) rival
b) rivalry
c) rivals

6. Learning a new language can ______ you, but practice will help you improve.

a) challenge
b) challenged
c) challenger

7. The exam was very ______, but she studied hard and passed with a high score.

a) challenge
b) challenging
c) challenged

8. He didn’t ______ to jump off the high diving board because he was afraid.

a) dared
b) daring
c) dare

9. She playfully ______ her brother in the arm to get his attention.

a) jabbed
b) jabbing
c) jab

10. His comment was so ______ that it made her feel embarrassed in front of everyone.

a) insult
b) insulting
c) insulted

When you’re finished the vocabulary exercise, you can do the Kendrick Lamar reading lesson.