Nissan Tests New Self Driving Car in Japan – Vocabulary Practice

self-driving car

Here you can practice the vocabulary found in the ESL lesson about Nissan’s self-driving cars in Japan.

In the first exercise, you must guess the meaning of the bold word from the context of the example sentence. In the second exercise, you must choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. Good luck!

Vocabulary in Context:

1. The driver swerved to avoid hitting the deer on the road.

2. The hikers faced many obstacles on the trail, such as fallen trees and steep hills.

3. Maria missed a week of school because she was sick, so now she has to catch up on her assignments.

4. Many small rural towns have fewer job opportunities than big cities.

5. The security cameras monitor the store to make sure no one steals anything.

6. The manager can work remotely, so she doesn’t have to come to the office every day.

7. Parents have the responsibility to take care of their children and keep them safe.

8. The teacher didn’t blame the students for being late because the bus was delayed.

9. Everyone was alarmed when they felt the ground shaking during the earthquake.

10. The car accident happened when one driver ran a red light and hit another car.

Word Forms:

1. His constant ________ of difficult conversations made it hard to resolve conflicts.

a) avoid
b) avoiding
c) avoidance

2. Even though she started late, she quickly ________ to the other runners.

a) caught up
b) catching up
c) catch up

3. After being sick for a week, he spent the weekend ________ on his assignments.

a) caught up
b) catch up
c) catching up

4. The doctor is ________ the patient’s condition closely.

a) monitoring
b) monitor
c) monitored

5. She prefers working in a ________ location far away from the city.

a) remotely
b) remote
c) remoteness

6. The ________ of the village makes it difficult to access healthcare services.

a) remoteness
b) remotely
c) remote

7. He is ________ for organizing the company’s annual conference.

a) responsibility
b) responsibly
c) responsible

8. The mistake was not his fault, so he refused to take the ________.

a) blame
b) blaming
c) blames

9. The rapid increase in pollution levels is quite ________.

a) alarm
b) alarming
c) alarmed

10. She ________ sent the email to the wrong person.

a) accident
b) accidental
c) accidentally

When you’re finished the vocabulary exercise, you can do the reading lesson about Nissan’s driverless cars in Japan.