Tooth-in-Eye Surgery – Vocabulary Practice

tooth-in-eye surgery

Here you can practice the vocabulary found in the ESL lesson about Tooth-in-Eye Surgery.

In the first exercise, you must guess the meaning of the bold word from the context of the example sentence. In the second exercise, you must choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence. Good luck!

Vocabulary in Context:

1. The doctor told Maria that she needed surgery to fix her broken leg. The procedure would involve cutting into her skin to repair the bone.

2. Sarah’s glasses help her see clearly because the lens in them focuses the light properly.

3. The patient waited nervously in the hospital room for the doctor to arrive.

4. The body sometimes rejects an organ transplant because it sees the new organ as something harmful.

5. The doctor placed a small implant in the man’s ear to help him hear better.

6. The dentist had to remove Lisa’s tooth because it was causing her pain.

7. The surgeon made a small opening in the skin to insert the medical device.

8. After the eye operation, John’s vision improved, and he doesn’t need glasses anymore.

9. The new cancer treatment helped many patients recover quickly.

10. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease, so doctors recommend avoiding it.

Word Forms:

1. The __________ carefully performed the heart transplant.

a) surgeon
b) surgery
c) surgical

2. The __________ removal of a tumor may be the best treatment.

a) surgeon
b) surgery
c) surgical

3. The scientist was disappointed by the __________ of her research paper from the journal.

a) reject
b) rejection
c) rejected

4. A small chip was successfully __________ under her skin to track her health.

a) implant
b) implanted
c) implanting

5. The doctor recommended the __________ of the tumor as soon as possible.

a) remove
b) removal
c) removed

6. The scar was still __________, even after months of healing.

a) visible
b) visual
c) visibility

7. The museum’s new exhibit provides a stunning __________ experience with 3D effects and interactive displays.

a) visible
b) visibility
c) visual

8. Doctors worked hard to __________ the patient’s illness with new medicine.

a) treat
b) treatment
c) treated

9. If you don’t follow safety rules, you might __________ your health.

a) risky
b) risks
c) risk

10. Skydiving is an exciting but __________ sport.

a) risk
b) risking
c) risky

When you’re finished the vocabulary exercise, you can do the reading lesson about Tooth-in-Eye Surgery.